• The Life and Times of Beethoven - Featured Image
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    The Life and Times of Beethoven

    Many know Beethoven as a world-renowned classical musician, famous for Opus 1 and Moonlight Sonata. But how influential was he in the fashion world, and how has he remained important to this day? The life of a legend: Ludwig van Beethoven was an incredibly accomplished German pianist and composer of the Classical period in music. He was born in Born in December 1770. Famously known for composing Symphony No. 5, many of his greatest works were composed when he became deaf. He was born in the city of Bonn in the Electorate of Cologne (which at the time, was a principality of the Holy Roman Empire). He came from an…

  • Daniel Craig's Fashion Statement - The Empyreal Fashion
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    Daniel Craig’s Fashion Statement

    Daniel Craig is best known for starring in iconic movies including James Bond films such as Skyfall, Casino Royale, Spectre, No Time To Die and many more. However, his stellar movies are not the only thing he is best known for. He is also known for his jaw-dropping fashion statements! During off-screen events Craig is usually seen to be suited beautifully in a black tie during his time on set. When he is not shooting, during off-screen events, you will find him dressed the way any stylish yet simple men would. The thing that makes him stand out and a successful fashion icon is his choice in color. He believes…

  • Suit Vent that is Right for You - The Empyreal Fashion
    Fashion Tips

    Suit Vent That is Right for You

    Custom made suits allow you to choose your preferred style for each component making it unique and just right for you. But it is also important to have the proper mix and match so that it doesn’t lose its excellence. Today we will talk about a small element of Suit yet a very special one – the Vent. A suit vent is a vertical slit on the backside of a suit or blazer. These vents make the suits look nice and allow easy movement. The opening created by vents also helps the jacket drape more perfectly over the waist and hips. There are basically three types of Vents used for…

  • Semana Santa - The Empyreal Fashion

    Semana Santa

    During April, Spain hosts a traditional festival over Easter week, known as Semana Santa, or Holy Week. Whilst Easter in the US or the UK is about consuming vast quantities of chocolate eggs and spending time with family, Semana Santa ensures that Spanish people remember the origins of the holiday and participate in religious traditions. How much do you know about this famous festival? Read on to find out more. Where did the festival originate from? The festival is known as Spain’s annual tribute to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, predominantly celebrated by Spanish Cofradia, or religious brotherhoods. The festival takes place in most Spanish cities during the…

  • Importance of Gold as Ornament - The Empyreal Fashion
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    The Importance of Gold as Ornament

    Since 2600 BC, gold has ruled the hearts and the souls of all human beings. From gracing the necks of the noble elite in the Egyptian era, to its usage in modern day cancer-alleviating medicine, it is clear that the element is held in high regard for its ability to make anything beautiful. But, why there is so much importance of Gold in the present day? Read on to find out more. The Historical Significance of Gold: Gold was first used within ornaments and jewellery by the ancient Mesopotamian in 2600 BC. The archaeologists have since discovered that gold was reserved for the most prestigious religious functions, and was commonly…