
  • Semana Santa - The Empyreal Fashion

    Semana Santa

    During April, Spain hosts a traditional festival over Easter week, known as Semana Santa, or Holy Week. Whilst Easter in the US or the UK is about consuming vast quantities of chocolate eggs and spending time with family, Semana Santa ensures that Spanish people remember the origins of the holiday and participate in religious traditions. How much do you know about this famous festival? Read on to find out more. Where did the festival originate from? The festival is known as Spain’s annual tribute to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, predominantly celebrated by Spanish Cofradia, or religious brotherhoods. The festival takes place in most Spanish cities during the…

  • Featured image for article of Holi

    The Festival of Colors: HOLI

    Holi, the festival of colors, is a Hindu religious festival originated in Asia, but is popular all around the world. It takes place the day after the sighting of the last full blossomed moon of the Phalguna (Hindu month). Typically, it falls between February and March. Holi welcomes spring, marking the passing of dark winter days and welcoming the warmer jolly days. A celebration of good triumphing evil, light triumphing darkness. The celebration begins in the evening with a bonfire, which signifies burning the evil spirits.   The vibrant festivity continues to the next morning with splashing powdered colors as well as water balloons. Earlier, the colors were made from…